Quick reference

List of endpoints and parameters!

GET DATA (downloads)

Shared get-parameters

All endpoints share these GET parameters:

  • id return only the specified resource. May be number or a comma delimited list, such as api/v0/locations?id=1,50,124
  • limit: the number of items that should be returned (must be greater than 0). Example: api/v0/taxons?limit=10
  • offset: the initial record to extract, to be used with limit when trying to download a large amount of data. Example: api/v0/taxons?offset=10000&limit=10000 returns 10K records starting from the 10K position of the current query.
  • fields: the field or fields that should be returned. Each endpoint has its own fields but there are two special words, simple (default) and all, which return different collection of fields. fields=all may return sub-objects for each object. fields ='raw' will return the raw table, speeding up the search, although values may be more difficult to understand. Example: api/v0/taxons?fields=id,scientificName,valid
  • save_job: for large data retrieval, if you add save_job=1 to the params list a job will be created for your search, and the data can then be obtained using the userjobs api.

Endpoint parameters

Endpoint Description Possible parameters
/ Tests your access none
bibreferences Lists of bibliographic references id, bibkey
biocollections List of Biocollections and other vouchers Repositories id
datasets Lists registered datasets or downloand the files of dataset versions id, list_versions, file_name
individuals Lists registered individuals id, location, location_root,taxon, taxon_root, tag,project, dataset
individual-locations Lists occurrences for individuals individual_id, location, location_root,taxon, taxon_root, dataset
languages Lists registered languages
measurements Lists Measurements id, taxon,dataset,trait,individual,voucher,location
locations Lists locations root, id, parent_id,adm_level, name, limit, querytype, lat, long,project,dataset
persons Lists registered people id, search, name, abbrev, email
projects Lists registered projects id only
taxons Lists taxonomic names root, id, name,level, valid, external, project,dataset
traits Lists variables (traits) list id, name
vouchers Lists registered voucher specimens id, number, individual, location, collector, location_root,taxon, taxon_root, project, dataset
userjobs Lists user Jobs id, status,get_file

POST DATA (imports)

Endpoint Description POST Fields
biocollections Import BioCollections name, acronym
individuals Import individuals collector, tag, dataset, date, (location or latitude + longitude)**, altitude, location_notes, location_date_time, x, y, distance , angle , notes , taxon , identifier , identification_date , modifier, identification_notes , identification_based_on_biocollection, identification_based_on_biocollection_id , identification_individual
individual-locations Import IndividualLocations individual, (location or latitude + longitude), altitude, location_notes, location_date_time, x, y, distance, angle
locations Import locations name, adm_level, (geom or lat+long)** , parent, altitude, datum, x, y , startx, starty, notes, ismarine
measurements Import Measurements to Datasets dataset, date, object_type, object_id, person, trait_id, value**, link_id, bibreference, notes, duplicated,location, parent_measurement
persons Imports a list of people full_name**, abbreviation, email, institution, biocollection
traits Import traits export_name, type, objects, name, description**, units, range_min, range_max, categories, wavenumber_min and wavenumber_max, value_length, link_type, bibreference, tags
taxons Imports taxonomic names name**, level, parent, bibreference, author, author_id or person, valid, mobot, ipni, mycobank, zoobank, gbif
vouchers Imports voucher specimens individual, biocollection, biocollection_type, biocollection_number, number, collector, date, dataset, notes

PUT DATA (updates)

Endpoint Description PUT Fields
individuals Update Individuals (id or individual_id),collector, tag, dataset, date, notes , taxon , identifier , identification_date , modifier, identification_notes , identification_based_on_biocollection, identification_based_on_biocollection_id , identification_individual
individual-locations Update Individual Locations (id or individual_location_id), individual, (location or latitude + longitude), altitude, location_notes, location_date_time, x, y, distance, angle
locations Update Locations (id or location_id), name, adm_level, (geom or lat+long) , parent, altitude, datum, x, y , startx, starty, notes, ismarine
measurements Update Measurements (id or measurement_id), dataset, date, object_type, object_type, person, trait_id, value, link_id, bibreference, notes, duplicated,location, parent_measurement
persons Update Persons (id or person_id),full_name, abbreviation, email, institution, biocollection
vouchers Update Vouchers (id or voucher_id),individual, biocollection, biocollection_type, biocollection_number, number, collector, date, dataset, notes

Nomenclature types

Nomenclature types numeric codes
NotType : 0 Isosyntype : 8
Type : 1 Neotype : 9
Holotype : 2 Epitype : 10
Isotype : 3 Isoepitype : 11
Paratype : 4 Cultivartype : 12
Lectotype : 5 Clonotype : 13
Isolectotype : 6 Topotype : 14
Syntype : 7 Phototype : 15

Taxon Level (Rank)

Level Level Level Level
-100 clade 60 cl., class 120 fam., family 210 section, sp., spec., species
0 kingdom 70 subcl., subclass 130 subfam., subfamily 220 subsp., subspecies
10 subkingd. 80 superord., superorder 150 tr., tribe 240 var., variety
30 div., phyl., phylum, division 90 ord., order 180 gen., genus 270 f., fo., form
40 subdiv. 100 subord. 190 subg., subgenus, sect.