Core Objects
16 minute read
Core objects are: Location, Voucher, Individual and Taxon. These entities are considered “Core” because they may have Measurements, i.e. you may register values for any custom Trait.
The Individual object refer to Individual organism that have been observed once (an occurrence) or has been tagged for monitoring, such as tree in a permanent plot, a banded bird, a radio-tracked bat. Individuals may have one or more Vouchersin a BioCollection, and one or multiple Locations, and will have a taxonomic Identification. Any attribute measured or taken for individual organism may be associated with this object through the Measurement Model model.
The Voucherobject is for records of specimens from Individuals deposited in a Biological Collection. The taxonomic Identification and the Location of a Voucher is that of the Individual it belongs to. Measurements may be linked to a Voucher when you want to explicitly register the data to that particular sample (e.g. morphological measurements; a molecular marker from an extraction of a sample in a tissue collection). Otherwise you could just record the Measurement for the Individual the Voucher belongs to. The voucher model is also available as special type of Trait, the
, making it possible to record counts for the voucher’s Taxon at a particular Location. -
The Location object contains spatial geometries, like points and polygons, and include
as special cases. An Individual may have one location (e.g. a plant) or more locations (e.g. a monitored animal). Plots and Transect locations may be registered as a spatial geometry or only point geometry, and may have Cartesian dimensions (meters) registered. Individuals may also have Cartesian positions (X and Y or Angle and Distance) relative to their Location, allowing to account for traditional mapping of individuals in sampling units. Ecological relevant measurements, such as soil or climate data are examples of measurements that may be linked to locations Measurement. -
The Taxon object in addition to its use for the Identification of Individuals, may receive Measurements, allowing the organization of secondary, published data, or any kind of information linked to a Taxonomic name. A BibReference may be included to indicate the data source. Moreover, the Taxon model is available as special type of Trait, the
, making it possible to record counts for Taxons at a particular Location.
This figure show the relationships among the Core objects
and with the Measurement Model. The Identification Model is also included for clarity. Solid links are direct relationships, while dashed links are indirect relationships (e.g. Taxons has many Vouchers through Individuals, and have many Individuals through identifications). The red solid lines link the Core objects
with the Measurement model through polymorphic relationships. The dotted lines on the Measurement model just allow access to the measured core-object and to the models of link type traits.
Location Model
The Locations table stores data representing real world locations. They may be countries, cities, conservation units, or any spatial polygon, point or linestring on the surface of Earth. These objects are hierarchical and have a parent-child relationship implemented using the Nested Set Model for hierarchical data of the Laravel library Baum and facilite both validation and queries.
Special location types are plots
and transects
, which together with point
locations allow different sampling methods used in biodiversity studies. These Location types may also be linked a parent location and in addition also to three additional types of location that may span different administrative boundaries, such as Conservation Units
, Indigenous Territories
and any Environmental
layer representing vegetation classes, soil classes, etc…with defined spatial geometries.
This figure shows the relationships of the
model throught the methods implemented in the shown classes. The pivot table linking Location to Individual allow an individual to have multiple locations and each location for the individual to have specific attributes like date_time, altitude, relative_position and notes.
The same tables related with the Location model with the direct and non-polymoprhic relationships indicated.
Location Table Columns
- Columns
together withrgt
are used to define the Nested Set Model to query ancestors and descendants in a fast way. Onlyparent_id
is specified by the user, the other columns are calculated by the Baum library trait from the id+parent_id values that define the hierarchy. The same hierarchical model is used for the Taxon Model, but for Locations there is a spatial constraint, i.e. a children must fall within a parent geometry. - The
column indicate the administrative level, or type, of a location. By default, the followingadm_level
are configured in OpenDataBio:2
for country,3
for first division within country (province, state),4
for second division (e.g. municipality),… up toadm_level=10
as administrative areas (country code is 2 to allow standardization with OpenStreeMaps, which is recommended to follow if your installation will include data from different countries). The administrative levels may be configured in an OpenDataBio before importing any data to the database, see the installation guide for details on that.99
is the code for Conservation Units - a conservation unit is alocation
that may be linked to multiple other locations (any location may belong to a single UC). Thus, one Location may have as parent a city and as uc_id the conservation unit where it belongs.98
is the code for Indigenous Territories - same properties as Conservation Units, but treated separately only because some CUs and TIs may largely overlap as is the case the Amazon region97
ise the code for Environmental layers - same properties as Conservation Units and Indigenous Territories, i.e., may be linked as additional location to any Point, Plot or Transect, and thehence, their related individuals. Store polygons and multipolygon geometries representing environmental classes, such as vegetation units, biomes, soil classes, etc…100
is the code forplots
and subplots - plot locations may be registered with Point or with a Polygon geometry, and must also have an associated Cartesian dimensions in meters. If it is a point location, the geometry is defined by ODB from the dimensions with NorthEast orientation from the point informed. Cartesian dimensions of a plot location can also be combined with cartesian positions of subplots (i.e. a plot location whose parent is also a plot location) and/or of individuals within such plots, allowing individuals and subplots to be mapped within aplot
subplot location without geometry specifications. In other words, if the spatial geometry of the plot is unknown, it may have as geometry a single GPS point rather than a polygon, plus itsx
dimensions. A subplot is location plot inside a location plot and must consist of a point marking the start of the subplot plus its X and Y cartesian dimensions. If the geometry of the start of the subplot is unknown, it may be stored as a relative position to parent plot using thestartx
for transects - like plots, transects may be registered having a LineString geometry or simply a single Latitude and Longitude coordinates and a dimension. Thex
cartesian dimension for transects represent the length in meters and is used to create a linestring (North oriented) when only a point is informed. They
dimension is used to validate individuals as belonging to transect location, and represents the maximum distance from the line that and individual must fall to be detected in that location.999
for ‘POINT’ locations like GPS waypoints - this is for registration of any point in space
- Column
may record the geometry datum property, if known. If left blank, the location is considered to be stored using WGS84 datum. However, there is no built-in conversor from other types of data, so the maps displayed may be incorrect if different datum’s are used. Strongly recommended to project data as WSG84 for standardization. - Column
stores the location geometry in the database, allowing spatial queries in SQL language, such asparent autodetection
. The geometry of a location may bePOINT
and must be formatted using Well-Known-Text geometry representation of the location. When a POLYGON is informed, the first point within the geometry string is privileged, i.e. it may be used as a reference for relative markings. For example, such point will be the reference for thestartx
columns of a subplot location. So forplot
geometries, it matters which point is listed first in the WKT geometry
Data access Full users may register new locations, edit locations details and remove locations records that have no associated data. Locations have open access!
Individual Model
The Individual object represents a record for an individual organism. It may be a single time-space occurrence of an animal, plant or fungi, or an individual monitored through time, such as a plant in a permanent forest plot, or an animal in capture-recapture or radio-tracking experiment.
An Individual may have one or more Vouchersrepresenting physical samples of the individual stored in one or more Biological Collection and it may have one or more Locations, representing the place or places where the individual has been recorded.
Individual objects may also have a self taxonomic Identification or its taxonomic identity may depend on that of another individual (non-self identification). The Individual identification is inherited by all the Vouchers registered for the Individual. Hence Vouchers do not have their separate identification.
This figure shows the Individual Model and the models it relates to, except the Measurement and Location models, as their relationships with Individuals is shown elsewhere in this page. Lines linking models indicate the
or functions implemented in the classes to access the relationships. Dashed lines indicate indirect relationships and the colors the different types of Laravel Eloquent methods.
The Individual model direct and non-polymoprhic relationships.
Individual Table Columns
- A Individual record must specify at least one Location where it was registered, the
of registration, the local identifiertag
, and thecollectors
of the record, and thedataset_id
the individual belongs to. - The Location may be any location registered, regardless of level, allowing to store historical records whose georeferencing is just an administrative location. Individual locations are stored in the
pivot table, having columnsdate_time
for the individual location records. - The column
stores the Cartesian coordinates of the Individual in relation to its Location. This is only for individuals located in locations of typeplot
. For example, a Plot location with dimensions 100x100 meters (1ha) may have an Individual withrelative position=POINT(50 50)
, which will place the individual in the center of the location (this is shown graphically in the web-interface), as is defined by thex
coordinates of the individual. If the location is a subplot, then the position within the parent plot may also be calculated (this was designed with ForestGeo plots in mind and is a column in the Individual GET API. If the location is a POINT, the relative_position may be informed asangle
(= azimuth) anddistance
, attributes frequently measured in sampling methods. If the location is a TRANSECT, the relative_position places the individual in relation to the linestring, thex
being the distance along the transect from the first point, and they
the perpendicular distance where the individual is located, also accounting for some sampling methods; - The
field in the Individual, Voucher, Measurement and Identification models may be an Incomplete Date, i.e., only the year or year+month may be recorded. - The Collector table represents collectors for an Individual or Voucher, and is linked with the Person Model. The collector table has a polymorphic relationship with the Voucher and Individual objects, defined by columns
, allowing multiple collectors for each individual or voucher record. The main_collector indicated is just the first collector listed for these entities. - The
field is a user code or identifier for the Individual. It may be the number written on the aluminum tag of a tree in a forest plot, the number of a bird-band, or thecollector number
of a specimen. The combination ofmain_collector
is constrained to be unique in OpenDataBio. - The taxonomic identification of an Individual may be defined in two ways:
- for self identifications an Identification record is created in the identifications table, and the column
is filled with the Individual ownid
- for non-self identifications, the id of the Individual having the actual Identification is stored in column
. - Hence, the Individual class contain two methods to relate to the Identification model: one that sets self identifications and another that retrieves the actual taxonomic identifications by using column
- for self identifications an Identification record is created in the identifications table, and the column
- Individuals may have one or more Vouchersdeposited in a Biocollection.
Data access Individuals belong to Datasets, so Dataset access policy apply to the individuals in it. Only project collaborators and administrators may insert or edit individuals in a dataset, even if dataset is of public access.
Taxon Model
The general idea behind the Taxon model is to present tools for easily incorporating valid taxonomic names from Online Taxonomic Repositories (currently and GBIF are implemented), but allowing for the inclusion of names that are not considered valid, either because they are still unpublished (e.g. a morphotype), or the user disagrees with published synonymia, or the user wants to have all synonyms registered as invalid taxons in the system. Moreover, it allows one to define a custom clade
level for taxons, allowing one to store, in addition to taxonomic rank categories, any node of the tree of life. Any registered Taxon can be used in Individual identifications and Measurements may be linked to taxonomic names.
Taxon model and its relationships. Lines linking tables indicate the
implemented in the shown classes, with colors indicating different Eloquent relationships
Taxon table explained
- Like, Locations, the Taxon model has a parent-child relationship, implemented using the Nested Set Model for hierarchical data of the Laravel library Baum that allows to query ancestors and descendants. Hence, columns
of the taxon table are automatically filled by this library upon data insertion or update. - For both, Taxon
and Taxonbibreference
there are two options:- For published names, the string authorship retrieved by the external taxon APIs will be placed in the
column. For unpublished names, author is a Person and will be stored in theauthor_id
column. - Only published names may have relation to BibReferences. The
string field of the Taxon table stores the strings retrieved through the external APIs, while thebibreference_id
links to a BibReference object. These are used to store the Publication where the Taxon Name is described and may be entered in both formats. - In addition, a Taxon record may also have many other BibReferences through a pivot table (
), permitting to link any number of bibliographic references to a Taxon name.
- For published names, the string authorship retrieved by the external taxon APIs will be placed in the
- Column
represents the taxonomic rank (such as order, genera, etc). It is numerically coded and standardized following the IAPT general rules, but should accommodate also animal related taxon level categories. See the available codes in the Taxon API for the list of codes. - Column
indicates the parent of the taxon, which may be several levels above it. The parent level should be strictly higher than the taxon level, but you do not need to follow the full hierarchy. It is possible to register a taxon without parents, for example, an unpublished morphotype for which both genera and family are unknown may have anorder
as parent. - Names for the taxonomic ranks are translated according to the system defined
that also translates the web interface (currently only Portuguese and English implemented). - The
field of the taxon table contain only the specific part of name (in case of species, the specific epithet), but the insertion and display of taxons through the API or webinterface should be done with the fullname combination. - It is possible to include synonyms in the Taxon table. To do so, one must fill in the
relationship, which is the id of the accepted (valid
) name for aninvalid
Taxon. Ifsenior_id
is filled, then the taxon is ajunior
synonym and must be flagged as invalid. - When inserting a new published taxon, only the
is required. The name will be validated and the author, reference and synonyms will be retrieved using the following API services:- GBIF BackBone Taxonomy - this will be the first check, from which links to Tropicos and IPNI may also be retrieved if registering a plant name.
- Tropicos - if not found on GBIF, ODB will search the name on the Missouri Botanical Garden nomenclature database.
- IPNI - the International Individual Names Index is another database used to validate individual names (Temporarily disabled)
- MycoBank - used to validate a name if not found by the Tropicos nor IPNI apis, and used to validate names for Fungi. Temporarily disabled
- ZOOBANK - when GBIF, Tropicos, IPNI and MycoBank fails to find a name, then the name is tested against the ZOOBANK api, which validates animal names. Does not provide taxon publication, however.
- If a Taxon name is found in the Nomenclatural databases, the respective ID of the repository is stored in the
tables, creating a link between the OpenDataBio taxon record and the external nomenclatural database. - A Person may be defined as one or more taxon specialist through a pivot table. So, a Taxon object may have many taxonomic specialist registered in OpenDataBio.
Data access: Full users are able to register a new taxon and edit existing records if they have not been used for Identification of Measurements. Currently it is impossible to remove a taxon from the database. Taxon list have public access.
Voucher Model
The Voucher model is used to store records of specimens or samples from Individuals deposited in Biological Collections. Therefore, the only mandatory information required to register a Voucher are individual
, biocollection
and whether the specimen is a nomenclature type (which defaults to non-type
if not informed).
Voucher model and its relationships. Lines linking tables indicate the
implemented in the shown models, with colors indicating different Eloquent relationships. Not that Identification nor Location are show because Vouchers do not have their own records for these two models, they are just inherited from the Individual the Voucher belongs to
Vouchers table explained
- A Voucher belongs to an Individual and a Biocollection, so the
and thebiocollection_id
are mandatory in this table; biocollection_number
is the alpha-numeric code of the Voucher in the BioCollection, it may be ’null’ for users that just want to indicate that a registered Individual have Vouchers in a particular Bicollection, or to registered Vouchers for biocollections that do not have an identifier code;biocollection_type
- is a numeric code that specify whether the Voucher in the BioCollection is a nomenclatural type. Defaults to0
(Not a Type);1
for just ‘Type’, a generic form, and other numbers for other nomenclature type names (see the API Vouchers Endpoint for a full list of options).collectors
, one or multiple, are optional for Vouchers, required only if they are different from the Individual collectors. Otherwise the Individual collectors are inherited by the Voucher. Like for Individuals, these are implemented through a polymorphic relationship with the collectors table and the first collector is the main_collector for the voucher, i.e. the one that relates tonumber
, this is the collector number, but like collectors, should only be filled if different from the Individual’stag
value. Hence,collectors
are useful for registering Vouchers for Individuals that have Vouchers collected at different times by different
field in the Individual and Voucher models may be an incomplete date. Only required if different from that of the Individual the Voucher belongs to.dataset_id
the Voucher belongs to a Dataset, which controls the access policy;notes
any text annotation for the Voucher.- The Voucher model interacts with the BibReference model, permitting to link multiple citations to Vouchers. This is done with a pivot
Data access Vouchers belong to Datasets, so Dataset access policy apply to the Vouchers in it. Vouchers may have a different Project than their Individuals. If the Voucher dataset policy is open access and that of the Individual project is not, then access to voucher data will be incomplete, so Voucher’s dataset should have the same or less restricted access policy than the Individual dataset. Only Dataset collaborators and administrators may insert or edit vouchers in a dataset, even if the dataset is of public access.