Getting Started
Getting and installing OpenDataBio
OpenDataBio is a web-based software supported in Debian, Ubuntu and Arch-Linux distributions of Linux and may be implemented in any Linux based machine. We have no plans for Windows support, but it may be easy to install in a windows machine using Docker.
Opendatabio is written in PHP and developed with the Laravel framework. It requires a web server (apache or nginx), PHP and a SQL database – tested only with MySQL and MariaDB.
You may install OpenDataBio easily using the Docker files included in the distribution, but these docker files provided are meant for development only and required tuning to deploy a production site.
If you just want to test OpenDataBio in your computer, follow the Docker Installation.
Prep for installation
- You may want to request a API key for OpenDataBio to be able to retrieve taxonomic data from the database. If not provided, mainly the GBIF nomenclatural service will be used;
- OpenDataBio sends emails to registered users, either to inform about a Job that has finished, to send data requests to dataset administrators or for password recovery. You may use a Google Email for this, but will need to change the account security options to allow OpenDataBio to use the account to send emails (you need to turn on the
Less secure app access
option in the Gmail My Account Page and will need to create a cron job to keep this option alive). Therefore, create a dedicated email address for your installation. Check the “config/mail.php” file for more options on how to send e-mails.
1 - First time users
Tips to first time users!
OpenDataBio is software to be used online. Local installations are for testing or development, although it could be used for a single-user production localhost environment.
User roles
If you have registered you need someone to assign you a full user role, so you can enter data.
- If you are installing, the first login to an OpenDataBio installation must be done with the default super-admin user:
and password1
. These settings should be changed or the installation will be open to anyone reading the docs;
- Self-registrations only grant access to datasets with privacy set to
registered users
and allows user do download data of open-access, but do not allow the user to edit nor add data;
- Only full users can contribute with data.
- But only super admin can grant
full-user role
to registered users - different OpenDataBio installations may have different policies as to how you may gain full-user access. Here is not the place to find that info.
See also User Model.
Prep your full-user account
- Register yourself as Person and assign it as your user default person, creating a link between your user and yourself as collector.
- You need at least a dataset to enter your own data
- When becoming a full-user, a restricted-access Dataset and Project will be automatically created for you (your Workspaces). You may modify these entities to fit your personal needs.
- You may create as many Projects and Datasets as needed. So, understand how they work and which data they control access to.
Entering data
There three main ways to import data into OpenDataBio:
- One by one through the web Interface
- Using the OpenDataBio POST API services:
- importing from a spreadsheet file (CSV, XLXS or ODS) using the web Interface
- using the OpenDataBio R package client
- When using the OpenDataBio API services you must prep your data or file to import according to the field options of the POST verb for the specific ’endpoint’ your are trying to import.
Tips for entering data
- If first time entering data, you should use the web interface and create at least one record for each model needed to fit your needs. Then play with the privacy settings of your Workspace Dataset, and check whether you can access the data when logged in and when not logged in.
- Use Dataset for a self-contained set of data that should be distributed as a group. Datasets are dynamic publications, have author, data, and title.
- Although ODB attempt to minimize redundancy, giving users flexibility comes with a cost, and some definitions, like that of Traits or Persons may receive duplicated entries. So, care must be taken when creating such records. Administrators may create a ‘code of conduct’ for the users of an ODB installation to minimize such redundancy.
- Follow an order for importation of new data, starting from the libraries of common use. For example, you should first register Locations, Taxons, Persons, Traits and any other common library before importing Individuals or Measurements
- There is no need to import POINT locations before importing Individuals because ODB creates the location for you when you inform latitude and longitude, and will detect for you to which parent location your individual belongs to. However, if you want to validate your points (understand where such point location will placed), you may use the Location API with
parameter specified for this.
- There are different ways to create PLOT and TRANSECT locations - see here Locations if that is your case
- Creating Taxons require only the specification of a
- ODB will search nomenclature services for you, find the name, metadata and parents and import all of the them if needed. If you are importing published names, just inform this single attribute. Else, if the name is unpublished, you need to inform additional fields. So, separate the batch importation of published and unpublished names into two sets.
- The
field of any model is for both plain text or JSON object string formatted data. The Json option allows you to store custom structured data any model having the notes field
. You may, for example, store as notes some secondary fields from original sources when importing data, but may store any additional data that is not provided by the ODB database structure. Such data will not be validate by ODB and standardization of both tags and values depends on you. Json notes will be imported and exported as a JSON string, and will be presented in the interface as a formatted table; URLs in your Json will be presented as links.
2 - Apache Installation
How to install OpenDataBio
These instructions are for an apache-based installation, but can be easily tuned to work with nginx.
Server requirements
- The minimum supported PHP version is 8.0
- The web server may be apache or nginx. For nginx, check configuration in the docker files to tune these instructions, which are for apache.
- It requires a SQL database, MySQL and MariaDB have been tested, but may also work with Postgres. Tested with MYSQL.v8 and MariaDB.v15.1.
- PHP extensions required ‘openssl’, ‘pdo’, ‘pdo_mysql’, ‘mbstring’, ’tokenizer’, ‘xlm’, ‘dom’, ‘gd’, ’exif’, ‘bcmath’, ‘zip’
- Pandoc is used to translate LaTeX code used in the bibliographic references. It is not necessary for the installation, but it is suggested for a better user experience.
- Requires Supervisor, which is needed background jobs
Create Dedicated User
The recommended way to install OpenDataBio for production is using a dedicated system user. In this instructions this user is odbserver.
Download OpenDataBio
Login as your Dedicated User
and download or clone this software to where you want to install it.
Here we assume this is /home/odbserver/opendatabio
so that the installation files will reside in this directory. If this is not your path, change below whenever it applies.
Download OpenDataBio
Prep the Server
First, install the prerequisite software: Apache, MySQL, PHP, Pandoc and Supervisor. On a Debian system, you need to install some PHP extensions as well and enable them:
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php ppa:ondrej/apache2
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/apache2
sudo apt-get install mysql-server php8.0 libapache2-mod-php8.0 php8.0-intl \
php8.0-mysql php8.0-sqlite3 php8.0-gd php8.0-mysql php8.0-cli pandoc \
php8.0-mbstring php8.0-xml php8.0-gd php8.0-bcmath php8.0-zip php8.0-curl \
sudo a2enmod php8.0
sudo phpenmod mbstring
sudo phpenmod xml
sudo phpenmod dom
sudo phpenmod gd
sudo a2enmod rewrite
sudo a2ensite
sudo systemctl restart apache2.service
#To check if they are installed:
php -m | grep -E 'mbstring|cli|xml|gd|mysql|pandoc|supervisord|bcmath|pcntl|zip'
Add the following to your Apache configuration.
- Change
to your path (the files must be accessible by apache)
- You may create a new file in the sites-available folder:
and place the following code in it.
touch /etc/apache2/sites-available/opendatabio.conf
echo '<IfModule alias_module>
Alias /opendatabio /home/odbserver/opendatabio/public/
Alias /fonts /home/odbserver/opendatabio/public/fonts
Alias /images /home/odbserver/opendatabio/public/images
<Directory "/home/odbserver/opendatabio/public">
Require all granted
AllowOverride All
</IfModule>' > /etc/apache2/sites-available/opendatabio.conf
This will cause Apache to redirect all requests for /
to the correct folder, and also allow the provided .htaccess
file to handle the rewrite rules, so that the URLs will be pretty. If you would like to access the file when pointing the browser to the server root, add the following directive as well:
Configure your php.ini file. The installer may complain about missing PHP extensions, so remember to activate them in both the cli (/etc/php/8.0/cli/php.ini
) and the web ini (/etc/php/8.0/fpm/php.ini
) files for PHP!
Update the values for the following variables:
Find files:
php -i | grep 'Configuration File'
Change in them:
memory_limit should be at least 512M
post_max_size should be at least 30M
upload_max_filesize should be at least 30M
Something like:
memory_limit = 512M
post_max_size = 100M
upload_max_filesize = 100M
Enable the Apache modules ‘mod_rewrite’ and ‘mod_alias’ and restart your Server:
sudo a2enmod rewrite
sudo a2ensite
sudo systemctl restart apache2.service
Mysql Charset and Collation
- You should add the following to your configuration file (mariadb.cnf or my.cnf), i.e. the Charset and Collation you choose for your installation must match that in the ‘config/database.php’
character-set-client-handshake = FALSE #without this, there is no effect of the init_connect
collation-server = utf8mb4_unicode_ci
init-connect = "SET NAMES utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci"
character-set-server = utf8mb4
log-bin-trust-function-creators = 1
sort_buffer_size = 4294967295 #this is needed for geometry (bug in mysql:8)
[mariadb] or [mysql]
innodb_log_file_size=300M #no use for mysql
- If using MariaDB and you still have problems of type #1267 Illegal mix of collations, then check here on how to fix that,
Configure Supervisor, which is required for jobs. Create a file name opendatabio-worker.conf in the Supervisor configuration folder /etc/supervisor/conf.d/opendatabio-worker.conf
with the following content:
touch /etc/supervisor/conf.d/opendatabio-worker.conf
echo ";--------------
command=php /home/odbserver/opendatabio/artisan queue:work --sleep=3 --tries=1 --timeout=0 --memory=512
;--------------" > /etc/supervisor/conf.d/opendatabio-worker.conf
Folder permissions
Folder and file permissions are important for securing a public server installation. If you don’t set them correctly, your site may be at risk.
- Folders
and bootstrap/cache
must be writable by the Server user (usually www-data). Set 0755
permission to these directories.
- Config
file requires 0640
- This link has different ways to set up permissions for files and folders of a Laravel application. Below the preferred method:
cd /home/odbserver
#give write permissions to odbserver user and the apache user
sudo chown -R odbserver:www-data opendatabio
sudo find ./opendatabio -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
sudo find ./opendatabio -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
#in these folders the server stores data and files.
#Make sure their permission is correct
cd /home/odbserver/opendatabio
sudo chgrp -R www-data storage bootstrap/cache
sudo chmod -R ug+rwx storage bootstrap/cache
#make sure the .env file has 640 permission
sudo chmod 640 ./.env
Install OpenDataBio
- Many Linux distributions (most notably Ubuntu and Debian) have different php.ini files for the command line interface and the Apache plugin. It is recommended to use the configuration file for Apache when running the install script, so it will be able to correctly point out missing extensions or configurations. To do so, find the correct path to the .ini file, and export it before using the
php install
For example,
export PHPRC=/etc/php/7.4/apache2/php.ini
The installation script will download the Composer dependency manager and all required PHP libraries listed in the composer.json
file. However, if your server is behind a proxy, you should install and configure Composer independently. We have implemented PROXY configuration, but we are not using it anymore and have not tested properly (if you require adjustments, place an issue on GitLab).
The script will prompt you configurations options, which are stored in the environment .env
file in the application root folder.
You may, optionally, configure this file before running the installer:
- Create a
file with the contents of the provided cp .env.example .env
- Read the comments in this file and adjust accordingly.
- Run the installer:
cd /home/odbserver/opendatabio
php install
- Seed data - the script above will ask if you want to install seed data for Locations and Taxons - seed data is version specific. Check the seed data repository version notes.
Ready to go
If the install script finishes with success, you’re good to go! Point your browser to http://localhost/opendatabio. The database migrations include an administrator account, with login
and password password1
. Change the password after installing.
Installation issues
There are countless possible ways to install the application, but they may involve more steps and configurations.
- if you browser return 500|SERVER ERROR you should look to the last error in
. If you have ERROR: No application encryption key has been specified run:
php artisan key:generate
php artisan config:cache
- If you receive the error “failed to open stream: Connection timed out” while running the installer, this indicates a misconfiguration of your IPv6 routing. The easiest fix is to disable IPv6 routing on the server.
- If you receive errors during the random seeding of the database, you may attempt to remove
the database entirely and rebuild it. Of course, do not run this on a production installation.
php artisan migrate:fresh
- You may also replace the Locations and Taxons tables with seed data after a fresh migration using:
Post-install configs
- If your import/export jobs are not being processed, make sure Supervisor is running
systemctl start supervisord && systemctl enable supervisord
, and check the log files at storage/logs/supervisor.log
- You can change several configuration variables for the application. The most important of those are probably set
by the installer, and include database configuration and proxy settings, but many more exist in the
files. In particular, you may want to change the language, timezone and e-mail settings. Run php artisan config:cache
after updating the config files.
- In order to stop search engine crawlers from indexing your database, add the following to your “robots.txt” in your server root folder (in Debian, /var/www/html):
User-agent: *
Disallow: /
Storage & Backups
You may change storage configurations in config/filesystem.php
, where you may define cloud based storage, which may be needed if have many users submitting media files, requiring lots of drive space.
- Data downloads are queue as jobs and a file is written in a temporary folder, and the file is deleted when the job is deleted by the user. This folder is defined as the
download disk
in filesystem.php config file, which point to storage/app/public/downloads
. UserJobs web interface difficult navigation will force users to delete old jobs, but a cron cleaning job may be advisable to implement in your installation;
- Media files are by default stored in the
media disk
, which place files in folder storage/app/public/media
- For regular configuration create both directories
and storage/app/public/media
with writable permissions by the Server user, see below topic;
- Remember to include media folder in a backup plan;
3 - Docker Installation
How to install OpenDataBio with Docker
The easiest way to install and run OpenDataBio is using Docker and the docker configuration files provided, which contain all the needed configurations to run ODB. Uses nginx and mysql, and supervisor for queues
Docker configuration files provided for test or development only
Docker files
These are adapted from this link, where you find a production setting as well.
Download OpenDataBio
- Make sure you have Docker and Docker-compose installed in your system;
- Check if your user is in the docker group created during docker installation;
- Download or clone the OpenDataBio in your machine;
- Make sure your user is the owner of the opendatabio folder created and contents, else change ownership and group recursively to your user
- Enter the opendatabio directory
- Edit and adjust the environment file name
- To install locally for development just adjust the following variables in the Dockerfile, which are needed to map the files owners to a docker user;
the numeric user your are logged in and which is the owner of all files and directories in the opendatabio directory.
the numeric group the user belongs, usually same as UID.
- File
contains shortcuts to the docker-compose commands used to build the services configured in the docker-compose.yml
and auxiliary files in the docker
- Build the docker containers using the shortcuts (read the Makefile to undersand the commands)
- Start the implemented docker Services
- See the containers and try log into the laravel container
docker ps
make ssh #to enter the container shell
make ssh-mysql #to enter the mysql container, where you may access the database shell using `mysql -uroot -p` or use the laravel user
- Install composer dependencies
- Migrate the database
- You may also replace the Locations and Taxons tables with seed data:
- If worked, then Opendatabio will be available in your browser http::/localhost:8080.
- Login with superuser
and password password1
- Additional configurations in these files are required for a production environment and deployment;
Data persistence
The docker images may be deleted without loosing any data.
The mysql tables are stored in a volume. You may change to a local path bind.
See the contents of Makefile
make stop
make start
make restart
docker ps
If you have issues and changed the docker files, you may need to rebuild:
#delete all images without loosing data
make stop
docker system prune -a #and accepts Yes
make build
make start
4 - Customize Installation
How to customize the web interface!
Simple changes that can be implemented in the layout of a OpenDataBio web site
Logo and BackGround Image
To replace the Navigation bar logo and the image of the landing page,
just put your image files replacing the files in /public/custom/
without changing their names.
Texts and Info
To change the welcome text of the landing page, change the values of the array keys in the following files:
- Do not remove the entry keys. Set to null to suppress from appearing in the footer and landing page.
- If you want to change the color of the top navigation bar and the footer,
just replace css Boostrap 5 class in the corresponding tags and files in folder
- You may add additional html to the footer and navbar, change logo size, etc… as you wish.