Import Measurements
7 minute read
- Measurement have one restriction: duplicated measurement values or categories for the same object_id and same date will not be imported unless you specify a
with for the record. - Measurements are straightforward, but you need to grap some info from other models to import them. You need to provide a
for which you do have permissions,trait_id
(export_name or id),value
(content varies depending on trait type),date
(a complete or incomplete date),person
(person that measured),object_type
(one of taxon, individual, voucher or location) andobject_id
(its odb id). For LINK trait type you must provide alink_id
column, and ‘value’ becomes optional for this specific case. - TIP: To link among measurements for different traits you may add standard keys to the
measurement field. For example, you measure LeafLength and LeafWidth for the same leaves, so in both measurements add “leaf1” ,“leaf2” to the note field to link them. Also, if you measure DBH and DBH.POM in a forest plot inventory and have several stems for a plant, you may add “stem1”,“stem2” to permit matching a stem DBH to its specific height of measurement. This kind of link may be useful in analyses. - Several validations will happen during measurement importation. Consider verifying the data locally before submitting a job to facilitate troubleshooting, and guarantee the values are consistent with your expectations. You will not be able to UPDATE nor DELETE measurements with the API, so, avoid importing several measurements that will require fixing afterwards (one by one).
- For Quantitative Traits, OpenDataBio cannot validate that your measurements are in the same unit as the Trait definition. Therefore, check which unit the trait has, and convert your data accordingly before uploading.
Measurements can be imported using odb_import_measurements()
. Read carefully the Measurements POST API.
Quantitative measurements
token ="GZ1iXcmRvIFQ" #this must be your token not this value
cfg = odb_config(base_url=base_url, token = token)
#get the trait id from the server (check that trait exists)
#generate some fake data for 10 measurements
dbhs = sample(seq(10,100,by=0.1),10)
object_ids = sample(1:3,length(dbhs),replace=T)
dates = sample(as.Date("2000-01-01"):as.Date("2000-03-31"),length(dbhs))
dates = lapply(dates,as.Date,origin="1970-01-01")
dates = lapply(dates,as.character)
dates = unlist(dates)
to.odb = data.frame(
trait_id = 'dbh',
value = dbhs,
date = dates,
object_type = 'Individual',
person="Oliveira, A.A. de",
dataset = 1,
notes = "some fake measurements",
#this will only work if the person exists, the individual ids exist
#and if the trait with export_name=dbh exist
Get the imported data:
dad = odb_get_measurements(params = list(dataset=1),odb_cfg=cfg)
dad[,c("id","basisOfRecord", "measured_type", "measured_id", "measurementType",
"measurementValue", "measurementUnit", "measurementDeterminedDate",
"datasetName", "license")]
id basisOfRecord measured_type measured_id measurementType measurementValue measurementUnit measurementDeterminedDate
1 1 MeasurementsOrFact App\\Models\\Individual 3 dbh 86.8 centimeters 2000-02-19
2 2 MeasurementsOrFact App\\Models\\Individual 2 dbh 84.8 centimeters 2000-03-25
3 3 MeasurementsOrFact App\\Models\\Individual 2 dbh 65.7 centimeters 2000-03-15
4 4 MeasurementsOrFact App\\Models\\Individual 3 dbh 88.0 centimeters 2000-03-05
5 5 MeasurementsOrFact App\\Models\\Individual 3 dbh 35.3 centimeters 2000-01-04
6 6 MeasurementsOrFact App\\Models\\Individual 2 dbh 36.0 centimeters 2000-03-23
7 7 MeasurementsOrFact App\\Models\\Individual 2 dbh 78.6 centimeters 2000-03-22
8 8 MeasurementsOrFact App\\Models\\Individual 2 dbh 69.7 centimeters 2000-03-09
9 9 MeasurementsOrFact App\\Models\\Individual 3 dbh 12.3 centimeters 2000-01-30
10 10 MeasurementsOrFact App\\Models\\Individual 3 dbh 14.7 centimeters 2000-01-18
datasetName license
1 Dataset test CC-BY 4.0
2 Dataset test CC-BY 4.0
3 Dataset test CC-BY 4.0
4 Dataset test CC-BY 4.0
5 Dataset test CC-BY 4.0
6 Dataset test CC-BY 4.0
7 Dataset test CC-BY 4.0
8 Dataset test CC-BY 4.0
9 Dataset test CC-BY 4.0
10 Dataset test CC-BY 4.0
Categorical measurements
Categories MUST be informed by their ids or name in the value
field. For CATEGORICAL or ORDINAL traits, value
must be single value. For CATEGORICAL_MULTIPLE, value
may be one or multiple categories ids or names separated by one of | or ; or ,
token ="GZ1iXcmRvIFQ" #this must be your token not this value
cfg = odb_config(base_url=base_url, token = token)
#a categorical trait
(odbtraits = odb_get_traits(params=list(name="specimenFertility"),odb_cfg = cfg))
#base line
to.odb = data.frame(trait_id = odbtraits$id, date = '2021-07-31', stringsAsFactors=F)
#the plant was collected with both flowers and fruits, so the value are the two categories
value = c("Flowers","Fruits")
#get categories for this trait if found
(cats = odbtraits$categories[[1]])
#check that your categories are registered for the trait and get their ids
value = cats[match(value,cats$name),'id']
#make multiple categories ids a string value
value = paste(value,collapse=",")
to.odb$value = value
#this links to a voucher
to.odb$object_type = "Voucher"
#get voucher id from API (must be ID).
#Search for collection number 1234
odbspecs = odb_get_vouchers(params=list(number="3456-A"),odb_cfg=cfg)
to.odb$object_id = odbspecs$id[1]
#get dataset id
odbdatasets = odb_get_datasets(params=list(name='Dataset test'),odb_cfg=cfg)
to.odb$dataset = odbdatasets$id
#person that measured
odbperson = odb_get_persons(params=list(search='ana cristina sega'),odb_cfg=cfg)
to.odb$person = odbperson$id
#get imported
dad = odb_get_measurements(params = list(voucher=odbspecs$id[1]),odb_cfg=cfg)
dad[,c("id","basisOfRecord", "measured_type", "measured_id", "measurementType",
"measurementValue", "measurementUnit", "measurementDeterminedDate",
"datasetName", "license")]
id basisOfRecord measured_type measured_id measurementType measurementValue measurementUnit
1 11 MeasurementsOrFact App\\Models\\Voucher 1 specimenFertility Flowers, Fruits NA
measurementDeterminedDate datasetName license
1 2021-07-31 Dataset test CC-BY 4.0
Color measurements
For color values you have to enter color as their hex RGB strings
codes, so they can be rendered graphically and in the web interface. Therefore, any color value is allowed, and it would be easier to use the palette colors in the web interface to enter such measurements. Package gplots
allows you to convert color names to hex RGB codes if you want to do it through the API.
token ="GZ1iXcmRvIFQ" #this must be your token not this value
cfg = odb_config(base_url=base_url, token = token)
#get the trait id from the server (check that trait exists)
odbtraits = odb_get_traits(odb_cfg=cfg)
(m = match(c("fruitColor"),odbtraits$export_name))
#base line
to.odb = data.frame(trait_id = odbtraits$id[m], date = '2014-01-13', stringsAsFactors=F)
#get color value
#install.packages("gplots",dependencies = T)
(value = col2hex("red"))
to.odb$value = value
#this links to a specimen
to.odb$object_type = "Individual"
#get voucher id from API (must be ID). Search for collection number 1234
odbind = odb_get_individuals(params=list(tag='3456'),odb_cfg=cfg)
to.odb$object_id = odbind$id[1]
#get dataset id
odbdatasets = odb_get_datasets(params=list(name='Dataset test'),odb_cfg=cfg)
to.odb$dataset = odbdatasets$id
#person that measured
odbperson = odb_get_persons(params=list(search='ana cristina sega'),odb_cfg=cfg)
to.odb$person = odbperson$id
Database link type measurements
The LINK trait type allows one to register count data, as for example the number of individuals of a species at a particular location. You have to provide the linked object (link_id
), which may be a Taxon or a Voucher depending on the trait definition, and then value
recieves the numeric count.
token ="GZ1iXcmRvIFQ" #this must be your token not this value
cfg = odb_config(base_url=base_url, token = token)
#get the trait id from the server (check that trait exists)
odbtraits = odb_get_traits(odb_cfg=cfg)
(m = match(c("taxonCount"),odbtraits$export_name))
#base line
to.odb = data.frame(trait_id = odbtraits$id[m], date = '2014-01-13', stringsAsFactors=F)
#the taxon to link the count value
odbtax = odb_get_taxons(params=list(name='Ocotea guianensis'),odb_cfg=cfg)
to.odb$link_id = odbtax$id
#now add the count value for this trait type
#this is optional for this measurement,
#however, it would make no sense to include such link without a count in this example
to.odb$value = 23
#a note to clarify the measurement (optional)
to.odb$notes = 'No voucher, field identification'
#this measurement will link to a location
to.odb$object_type = "Location"
#get location id from API (must be ID).
#lets add this to a transect
odblocs = odb_get_locations(params=list(adm_level=101,limit=1),odb_cfg=cfg)
to.odb$object_id = odblocs$id
#get dataset id
odbdatasets = odb_get_datasets(params=list(name='Dataset test'),odb_cfg=cfg)
to.odb$dataset = odbdatasets$id
#person that measured
odbperson = odb_get_persons(params=list(search='ana cristina sega'),odb_cfg=cfg)
to.odb$person = odbperson$id
Spectral measurements
must be a string of spectrum values separated by “;”. The number of concatenated values must match the Trait value_length
attribute of the trait, which is extracted from the wavenumber range specification for the trait. So, you may easily check this before importing with odb_get_traits(params=list(fields='all',type=9),cfg)
token ="GZ1iXcmRvIFQ" #this must be your token not this value
cfg = odb_config(base_url=base_url, token = token)
#read a spectrum
spectrum = read.table("1_Sample_Planta-216736_TAG-924-1103-1_folha-1_abaxial_1.csv",sep=",")
#second column are NIR leaf absorbance values
#the spectrum has 1557 values
#[1] 1557
#collapse to single string
value = paste(spectrum[,2],collapse = ";")
#[1] "0.6768057;0.6763237;0.6755353;0.6746023;0.6733549;0.6718447;0.6701176;0.6682984;0.6662288;0.6636459;"
#get the trait id from the server (check that trait exists)
odbtraits = odb_get_traits(odb_cfg=cfg)
(m = match(c("driedLeafNirAbsorbance"),odbtraits$export_name))
#see the trait
odbtraits[m,c("export_name", "unit", "range_min", "range_max", "value_length")]
#export_name unit range_min range_max value_length
#6 driedLeafNirAbsorbance absorbance 3999.64 10001.03 1557
#must be true
#[1] TRUE
#base line
to.odb = data.frame(trait_id = odbtraits$id[m], value=value, date = '2014-01-13', stringsAsFactors=F)
#this links to a voucher
to.odb$object_type = "Voucher"
#get voucher id from API (must be ID).
#search for a collection number
odbspecs = odb_get_vouchers(params=list(number="3456-A"),odb_cfg=cfg)
to.odb$object_id = odbspecs$id[1]
#get dataset id
odbdatasets = odb_get_datasets(params=list(name='Dataset test'),odb_cfg=cfg)
to.odb$dataset = odbdatasets$id
#person that measured
odbperson = odb_get_persons(params=list(search='adolpho ducke'),odb_cfg=cfg)
to.odb$person = odbperson$id
Text measurements
Just add the text to the value
field and proceed as for the other trait types.